Thursday, September 26, 2013

New In Town

I'm not going to lie, I had some second thought as I was loading up the VW to take the final drive out of my little Santa Barbara. Compared to my hometown, Portland is BIG. Almost five times as big. I would know no one, save my husband and the pup. And I would not have a job for the first time since highschool. I looked in the reaview mirror as my town receded into the distance and thought, "Here we go."

It has been about a month now and I am quite pleaseed with the decision to take on the Great Northwest. I arrived at the tail end of summer and we had just enough time to squeeze in a camping trip, fishing, and some phonominal hikes.

As summer fades into fall, I am reminded of how much I love the changing of the seasons. Southern California has 2 seasons: Summer and slightly cooler than Summer. Here the leaves are slowig fading from vibrant green to warm yellow and orange hues. The days are becoming noticibly shorter, allowing me to experiment more with harty sauces and stews, dense baked goods, and crockpot creations. The abundance of delicious, organic fall fruit is enough to make anyone with even a little sweet tooth swoon. All around there is a sense of preparation. The world is tucking in a getting cozy for another chilly season.

Slowly, but surely I am coming out of my shell. I have made some wonderful acquaintances who I can see turning into friends. I had forgotten how proactive one must bee when making friends outside of the context of school or work. Thankfully I have found Portland to be chock-full of the friendliest people you could ask for!

Finding a job has been a bit of a challenge. This town is pack to bursting with non-profits, so I had imagined that, with my experience, I would slide easily into a position. No ma'am. This has not been the case. But what do we do? We swim, swim, swim!

As I continue to explore the city, I hope to be doing posts from time to time on local restaurants or events. Portland has a lot to offer, and I hope to enjoy as much of it as I can!

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