Monday, September 30, 2013

Weekend Recap

Welp, it is once again Monday. Not that it matters too much to me, as I am not working at the moment, but there is always something tense and grumpy about the first day of the week, whether or not officious obligations await.

This weekend was a particularly exciting one. I have ridden on the back of Brian's motorcycle several times and really enjoy it (once I get past being initially terrified). It is so exhilarating to be out in the open, with the wind and cars whipping by, matching the the sway of my body to the sway of his. I love it. However, constantly clanking helmets, sliding forward, and the inability to squirm for fear of shifting to much weight are far from enjoyable element of the ride. So I decided that I wanted to learn to ride by myself! I enrolled in a training program that had a classroom session on Friday, then range and classroom sessions on Saturday and Sunday. The classroom sessions were not what one might call engaging. I think the instructor may have been allowed to eat paint chips as a child. But the range sessions were great, in spite of the fact that it rained THE ENTIRE TIME, turning something that was already difficult into a really challenging task! I know how to drive a stick shift, so the principle was easy to learn, but retraining my muscles was quite difficult. I passed the written test with flying colors, but missed the practical test by a mere 3 points - very disappointing. I am going to practice on Brian's bike and retake the exam in a few weeks, hopefully on a day that it is not raining.

Saturday night we went downtown to celebrate a friend's birthday. We were supposed to go to Branch Whiskey Bar. Their menu look phenomenal, so I was really excited to try it out. Unfortunately, the birthday boy's fiance is picky. Like, Wonder Bread and ketchup are dietary staples kind of picky, and she thought duck fat fries sounded gross. I died a little inside. So we ended up down the street at a restaurant the specialized in Southern Food. I'm typically open to try anything, but I do have some hard rules I refuse to break. Having lived in Atlanta for the better part of a decade, I will not each Southern food unless I am in the South. It is never done right and there are always variations that take it from classic and delicious to gastronomic abomination. A Po'Boy on sweet potato bread? Excuse me, but that is not a Po'Boy... it's a sandwich. Call me a purist, but I would rather not waste the calories on vague impressions of something that, in its true form, is perfect.

We ended the night at Salt and Straw, a Portland staple. They specialize in ice cream with odd flavor combination. I had the mint and sea urchin meringue. I know, it sounds gross, but it was actually one of the most incredible things I have put in my mouth. Their other flavors include lavender and honey, loaded baked potato, and olive oil. So weird, but so tastey.

We wrapped up this stormy weekend with some homemade chicken wings (Which were quite impressive, if I do say so myself), roasted brussel sprouts, and watching several episodes of The Long Way Round. It documents Ewan McGregor's trip from London to New York via Europe and Asia on a motorcycle. It came out in 2004, so you can find it on Netflix, which I recommend you do. Now. You'll love it.

Have a beautiful day!

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