Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sick Day

When I was working I used to sometimes wish for sick days. Not to be terribly ill, but just sick enough to warrent staying home and bundled up on the couch. There is nothing better than a hall pass form the days needs.

Now it's a different story. Not that beeing temporarily unemployed means I spend each day lazing on the couch, but the house definitely gets more "Jett time" then it used to. Each day I invent my own schedule and, when it comes down to it, I am the only one who cares if my list is not completed. I end up being quite disappointed in myself if not all the boxes are checked. As a result, being sick feels more like being grounded instead of a free day.

But I'm not going to to allow my couch bound state to get me down! I have armed my self with my laptop, crochet hook, box of tissues, and a desperate desire to feel productive.

I once began to knit a quilt. 2 years later, Brian and I are not enjoying a lopsided afghan that can almost (alllmooost) cover both our arms and feet at the same time. It was a learning expeience. Mostly I learned how much I did not like knitting. So I have decided to try my hand a crochetting.

My mother was really into crochet. She made my baby blanket, various articles of clothing, even a couple of stuffed animals. I have decided my first project will be this scarf.

It is not a traditional crochet, but a style called Tunisian crochet. The result is a thicker product, opposed to the lacy style of normal crochet. I have found that fixing mistake sin crochet is much easier than in knitting, and the stiches are easier to read. I am only six inches into what is to be a sixty inch scarf, but so far so good!

The issue with crochet (or knitting, for that matter) is it is a short term activity. Repetitive hand motion can only be sustained for so long until said hand begins to cramp. But don't worry (because I know you were) I have several other fall crafts on the to do list! I should be able to share some of those with you in upcoming posts.

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